Mondo Valor is a premium weight resistant vulcanized rubber flooring that features unsurpassed resistance to slips, abrasions, tears, and heavy abuse. Mondo Valor offers a unique combination of durability, safety, and comfort that is ideal for weight rooms, fitness centers, and locker rooms.
Its 3 mm wear layer is specifically engineered to endure the heavy use typical of strength and conditioning equipment, ensuring consistent performance and longevity. This durability is a key factor in maintaining the quality and appearance of your athletic facilities over time.
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The impact layer of Mondo Valor is specifically engineered to absorb heavy impacts from high-intensity training, a key consideration for athletic directors prioritizing student safety. The flooring’s enhanced design and texture offer excellent slip resistance and foot stability, crucial for preventing accidents and injuries during training sessions. Additionally, its outstanding comfort is beneficial for anyone who spends extended periods of time on the floor, providing a supportive surface for students and teachers alike.
Mondo Valor flooring is also dimensionally stable, non-porous, and resistant to bacteria, making it an excellent choice for maintaining a clean and hygienic environment. It’s available in 6 mm and 10 mm rolls and 18 mm tiles. With nine colors to choose from, you’ll get the precise flooring to fit your weight room needs.
Mondo Valor flooring represents a top-tier choice for athletic directors looking to enhance their facilities. Its combination of durability, safety, hygiene, aesthetic flexibility, and athlete-centric design makes it a comprehensive solution for modern athletic environments. By choosing Mondo Valor, athletic directors are investing in a product that meets the diverse needs of their students and the demands of high-performance athletic facilities.
Thousands of athletes train and compete on Mondo surfaces and weight room flooring, achieving outstanding results, breaking world records and overcoming their own limits. It is thanks to their help and constant feedback that Mondo has redefined the standards of sports flooring, setting the benchmark for new achievements to come.
2655 Francis Hughes, Laval, PQ H7L 358
Mondo is an industry leader in sport flooring with millions of square feet of its high-performance athletic surfaces installed worldwide. Mondo offers extra strong and durable sports surfaces with customizable design for weightlifting areas.